You don’t have to have a ton of experience. You don’t have to have a big budget to create great lighting. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from being in the lighting industry it’s this: Over the past few years, I’ve learned to really enjoy teaching and listening to you, the Learn Stage Lighting reader, as we work to create great lighting together. Over 10 years later, I’ve had the opportunity to light all kinds of events, and have found a love for sharing what I know with others, so that you can create great lighting too. This really began speeding up my lighting trajectory to professional. Among the topics covered are choosing and using equipment working with color techniques for focusing planning, testing, and executing a lighting. 588 Pages, Published 2014, Reference for Stage Lighting Design. This was in-part due to the fact that I got a part time weekend job at a small, local lighting company. In Stage Lighting Design, a leading expert guides readers through experience to knowledge, inviting them to investigate every aspect of the roles of the stage electrician and the lighting designer. Buy Focal Press Book: A Practical Guide to Stage Lighting (Third Edition) featuring.

Over the next few years, I began to get experiences lighting bands, church events, weddings, fashions shows and corporate meetings. I read manuals, books on theatre design, and heckled every single lighting professional, and soon enough, I began making lighting that actually looked decent. My lighting journey began back in 2005, when I simultaneously agreed to help with a school play and run lights at my church.Īrmed with no knowledge and little help, I began to self-educate the best I could.